How can You Support the School?
School Uniform
Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and fleece jackets are available from the school office. Prices
Sweaters: £8.10 / Cardigans: £9.10 / Polo Shirts: £6.10 / Fleece Jackets: £13.10
School Fund
As a Birmingham City Council school there is no charge to parents, however we do ask for a
voluntary contribution of £1. Please collect a School Fund envelope from either room staff or from
the nursery office, contributions should then be placed in the box provided by nursery office. This
money is used to provide ingredients for cookery ingredients for birthday parties, extra equipment, and to help subsidise trips.
Fund Raising Events
Each year we hold fund raising events, e.g. Christmas Raffle, Sponsored Walk etc. and we ask our
families and their friends and community to support us. All children benefit from the money we
raise on these events. So far the money we have raised has helped us to buy outdoor play
equipment, computers along with lots of other resources.
Fresh Fruit
At the end of each day we have ‘Sharing Time’, when children talk about their day and have a piece of fruit, we ask our families to bring some fruit in to nursery for the fruit bowl for children to
Toys/ Sweets and Crisps
We do not encourage children to bring toys/sweets or crisps to school.
‘Borrowed’ small pieces and small toys
Sometimes children take small pieces of jigsaw or small pieces from toys home with them by
mistake. Please do not feel embarrassed by this but try to return the items as soon as possible