Starting Nursery School

Open Day

Once you have accepted your child’s place you will be invited to our Open Day where you will have the opportunity to talk to staff and have a look around the school. You will also need to bring along any evidence required to check your child’s details and whether or not your child is entitled to a free school meal or in the case of 2 year olds to check for 15 hour qualification. Working parents may also be entitled to a 30 hour place. Please speak to office staff who will advise you on how to check.
Evidence required for checks: Birth Certificate, Benefits evidence, Proof of address.

Open Morning

You and your child will also be invited to an Open Morning. On this occasion you will meet your child’s room staff and look around the classroom.

Starting School

New children are introduced to school gradually. All children will start part time. We ask parents to stay with their child initially. We don’t put a time scale on this as children take varying amounts of time to feel happy about being left. Working parents will need to take some time off work unless a close adult relative can stay with the child on your behalf.
When the staff feel your child can be happily left, you will, firstly be asked to leave for a short time and sit in the staff room.
Please be guided by the staff’s experience and don’t try to rush things. When the time does come to leave. Please go as soon as you have said “Goodbye”. Don’t be tempted to leave without saying goodbye. You will be asked to return at a specific time. Please keep to this time.
The length of time your child spends in nursery will be gradually increased until he/she has settled in and made friends. Please remember it is important that your child attends for all of the days given if he/she is to develop a strong relationship with staff and other children and to benefit from the education we offer.

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